Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Bargain Hunters Sometimes End Up With Bargain Service

The "Bargain Hunters" don't always get the best value for their money. I am a HUGE fan of thrift stores, garage sales, flea markets and other such venues, but when it comes to the big ticket items, I am a fan of going to the professionals. I don't bargain hunt when it comes to my car because my children ride in it every day. I don't bargain hunt when it comes to my teeth because I plan to enjoy a life-long love affair with good foods. I don't bargain hunt when looking for a good pediatrician for my children because they deserve the best. If I were to ever need an attorney, I would not ask him about his fees, but rather would interview several attorneys to see which would serve my needs the best. Price is never an issue when service is of the utmost importance. So why is it that some folks choose to bargain hunt when searching for a real estate agent to list their home with? Why do people rush to the agent that works for 2% commission without learning more about that agent, the brokerage he represents, and the level of service he is capable of delivering? I believe in paying extra for the right level of service and the right results. I therefore believe that my level of service commands a certain level of payment.

As you may already know, more than 96% of today's real estate transactions originate online. Therefore, wouldn't it make sense to list your property with a Realtor that has a REAL online presence?  Unfortunately, many property owners choose their agent solely based on the amount of commission that agent is willing to work for.  How about you remind yourself of the old saying, “You get what you pay for”?  An agent that agrees to sell your property for anything less than 5% commission will probably slap a sign in front of your property and wait around in his office for calls. That means that the only one who will know your property is for sale will be the person who walks by the property and takes the time off from texting, driving or rushing to the train in order to look up, take down the agent’s name and phone number and call if they remember to call. How many times have you written something down with the intention of following up on it, only to forget and find that note days, weeks or months later?

While we do place a sign in front of your property (should you choose to do that), we also focus on many more ways to get your property in front of potential buyers. My team photographs your property in its best setting and lighting. We send out an email blast to other agents who work in the area and let them know about this HOT NEW LISTING. We contact the buyers who have walked through our office and expressed interest in purchasing something in your area. We don’t just dump your property on Craigslist and pray for an answer from the CL gods. We are proactive. We place your property on our local and national MLS, as well as on,,, Trulia, Zillow, Movato, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, Foursquare, Yahoo Real Estate, and over 100 other sites. We advertise in LOCAL and citywide papers (not the most effective form of advertising these days but it still generates a little traffic). Finally, we plan open houses, blast a flyer campaign, hit up all the local bulletin boards and push your property as if it is the one and only available listing in the entire country!

Now others may say they are prepared to do the same, and that is when I want you to go online, Google my full name in quotation marks “George L. Rosario”, and do the same with their names. Do it with their company as well. Google their company and then Google Coldwell Banker! We are not worried. We prefer working with sellers who have researched others and choose to research us as well. The Coldwell Banker brand has been serving the American public since 1906. I’ve been in the business since 1990 and my team has over 100 years of collective knowledge and experience. Coldwell Banker supplies us with all the tools necessary to make things move. Training magazine named Coldwell Banker the TOP national real estate franchise in agent training and education.

Go ahead…
Google my name... "George L. Rosario". I'm easy to find.

George L. Rosario
Licensed Real Estate Salesperson
Coldwell Banker Kueber Realty
718-628-0100 OFFICE 
718-628-0399 FAX 
917-945-4211 CELL

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