Keep your enthusiasm level up! Keep your energy level up! Keep your optimism going strong! That's advice that numerous life coaches, business coaches, personal trainers, team developers and entrepreneurs have recommended this to everyone who might listen. It's the topic of speeches, classes, seminars, books, magazine articles, debates, training sessions, etc. Today I want to share something I figured out a couple of years ago which was reinforced again last night.
New Year's Eve is a special day in which many talk about all the awesome goals they've set for the New Year. The amazing thing is that many will set goals that completely eclipse anything they've ever accomplished and they truly believe they will accomplish these goals. Imagine if they kept this level of belief throughout the entire year. How could they possibly fail?
The problem is that this journey called life is not traveled on a leveled road. This road has hills, turns, roadblocks, potholes, bridges, tunnels, accidents, traffic jams, detours, and you often share it with really bad drivers. That poses a serious problem for anyone who wants to stay on track to accomplish a goal but who is easily affected by the unexpected twists and turns of life.
So how can we possibly stay motivated? How do we maintain the momentum necessary so that our New Year's Resolution doesn't fall apart in a couple of months, weeks, days or even hours? I've learned that if I continue feeding my brain with positive, motivational, inspirational material that will help fuel my journey, I will find it easier to stay on track. If I consume content that keeps me in the right mindset, I can deal with any of the obstacles I am sure to encounter along the way. I constantly read good, positive, motivational books. I constantly listen to positive, motivational podcasts. I constantly watch positive, motivational videos. I often go to positive, motivational seminars. I strongly believe in having a positive, motivational coach. I actively seek out mentors whom I can study and learn from. I surround myself with positive, motivational people. I strive to live a positive, motivated life. I document all my accomplishments and all the lessons I learn along the way. THAT is how I deal with obstacles and stay motivated.
Many will say that this doesn't work for everyone. Many will say that they've tried and that this did not work. To those I say that it they need to add the final ingredient in this formula for success. They need to turn off the TV, stop wasting their time reading material that does not benefit their journey, they must avoid getting involved in anything negative, and they must purge their circle of friends of any negative people. You see, it is very easy to slip off the road and crash when you get blindsided by someone who irresponsibly detours you from your positive journey. It is very easy to fail and keep on failing when you surround yourself with people who have never accomplished anything for themselves and have to put you down to make themselves feel better about their situation. So please, do yourself a favor, remove all negativity from your life. You do not need it!
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I am Coldwell Banker Blue BABY!
Every day is a good day when you do what you love and love what you do. ~ George L. Rosario
George L. Rosario
NYC's Hometown Realtor
Coldwell Banker Kueber
DESK: 347-671-SOLD
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Matthew 7: 7, 8
I am grateful for my children